Modern Chess Opening Repertoire for White - James Rizzitano

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Scopul lui James Rizzitano în această carte este de a vă oferi un repertoriu de deschidere dinamic, intr-un singur volum, teoretic solid, care începe cu 1 e4.

Studiind alegerile actualilor jucători de top, el identifică aceste secrete ale succesului lor:
-Joacă deschideri în care ai un rege relativ sigur.
-Luați perechea de nebuni într-o poziție semi-deschisă dacă vi se oferă.
-Evitați să creați slăbiciuni inutile în propria poziție.
-Acceptați gambituri îndoielnice și sacrificii materiale.
-Absoarbe orice avantaj de spațiu acordat de adversar.
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Durata de livrare: 24-48 ore

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Cod Produs: CAGAMCORfW Ai nevoie de ajutor? 0771.07.35.89
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James Rizzitano’s goal in this book is to provide you with a one-volume, theoretically sound, dynamic opening repertoire beginning with 1 e4.

Studying the choices of the current top players, he identifies these secrets of their success:
  • Play openings where you have a relatively safe king.
  • Take the bishop-pair in a semi-open position if it is offered to you.
  • Avoid creating unnecessary weaknesses in your own position.
  • Accept questionable gambits and material sacrifices.
  • Absorb any space advantage conceded by the opponent.

His choice of lines to recommend is based on these principles, and supported by detailed work with the current top computer engines. While serious work on chess openings confirms the basic truth that White can’t simply force a large advantage from the start position, we can greatly narrow Black’s path to safety, and tilt the practical struggle in our favour. To have a chance of half a point, our opponents will need to solve difficult tactical and strategic problems deep into the middlegame.

The main lines recommended are:
  • Giuoco Piano (via Bishop’s Opening move-order)
  • Modern Advance Caro-Kann
  • Tarrasch French
  • Rossolimo and Moscow Sicilians, and 2...e6 3 c3
  • Traditional main lines vs Scandinavian and Alekhine
  • Tricky piece-play options against the Pirc and Modern
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ISBN/ISSN: 978-1911465744

Gen: Sah

Limba: Engleza

Editura: Gambit

Autor: James Rizzitano

Anul aparitiei: 2021

Nr. pagini: 176

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